Simone Ferraro

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory & UC Berkeley

I am a data-driven cosmologist.  My work is a mix of theory, data analysis, and computation to enhance our understanding of the Universe using astrophysical observations.  My main interests include the study of Fundamental Physics (Inflation, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, neutrinos, and other light relics), as well as the epoch of reionization and galaxy formation and evolution.  Much of my recent work has focused on developing new statistics and Machine Learning techniques to exploit the large amount of data from current and future cosmological surveys. 

I am a Senior Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and a senior member of the Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics (BCCP) at UC Berkeley.  I am an active member of both the Cosmology and the Machine Learning for Fundamental Physics groups.

I was a Miller Fellow at UC Berkeley and I got my PhD in Astrophysical Sciences at Princeton University (advised by David Spergel).  I got a Master's in Physics from the University of Chicago (working with Wayne Hu), and previously I studied Physics and Math at the University of Cambridge.

My CV here should be reasonably up-to-date. You can email me for the latest version.

I have co-authored over 150 papers on a wide range of topics, listed at the link above. You may also find my INSPIRE, Google Scholar, LinkedIn, and ORCID profiles useful.