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News! Now you can take the Brinson Prize Fellowship to BCCP at UC Berkeley! We encourage you to apply to Brinson, together with Hubble/Einstein, NSF, and any other fellowship you are eligible for (see below for details).

Berkeley is a great place for research in cosmology! We are part of one of the largest and broadest cosmology groups in the world, with local experts in almost every aspect. If you are a student or postdoc interested in working with me, see below for information about funding and fellowships:


Several postdoctoral fellowships are available every year, please keep an eye on the AAS job register for postings. I recommend applying to fellowships at both LBNL and at UC Berkeley campus. You can work with anyone in the group regardless of which institution hires you, and there is virtually no difference between being hired by LBNL or UC Berkeley. You will be part of the same group and with the same access to both institutions. We all split our time between the two, which are a short walk or shuttle ride from each other.

At LBNL, a great opportunity is the annual Chamberlain Fellowship, in addition to any other jobs posted (all opportunities will be posted on the AAS job register).  More information about the LBNL postdoctoral program is available on the official Postdocs Resources website, together with information from the Berkeley Lab Postdoc Association (BLPA).

At UC Berkeley, the prestigious BCCP Fellowship is one of the main funding channels for Cosmology research at Berkeley. Other positions include the interdisciplinary Miller Fellowship (note the early deadline for nomination, usually early September) and the UC Berkeley Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellowship -- note that both are typically NOT advertised on the AAS job register. More information about the postdoctoral program at UC Berkeley can be found on the Berkeley Postdoctoral Association website.

NASA and NSF fellowships: We also regularly host fellows from NASA's Hubble and Einstein programs, please get in touch if you are considering taking a NASA fellowship to either LBNL or UC Berkeley. For the purpose of Hubble/Einstein, they count as two separate institutions: this is useful because of the cap on the number of fellows each can host. Please also consider applying to the NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowships (AAPF) and taking it to UC Berkeley.

Brinson Fellowship: The Brinson Prize Fellowships support research in observational cosmology. You can take the Brinson fellowship to UC Berkeley, and we encourage you to do so! 

Foreign Fellowships: We are happy to host postdoctoral researchers with a number of foreign fellowships, including the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship (Canada), the SNSF Postdoc.Mobility (Switzerland), and the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Postdoctoral Fellowship (EU), among others.

Graduate Students

If you are interested in a PhD in Cosmology at Berkeley, please apply to the graduate program in Physics or Astronomy. I am not involved in graduate admissions, but I am happy to discuss opportunities and possible projects with admitted students.

Current or admitted UC Berkeley students are welcome to contact me and discuss potential projects. I regularly serve as thesis advisor and quals/thesis committee member for Berkeley students. Please consider applying to graduate fellowships that you are eligible for, for example, the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) and the DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (CSGF).

Post-quals graduate students from any US institution (including but not limited to UC Berkeley): You can apply for funding to visit LBNL for 3 to 12 months through the DOE Office of Science Graduate Student Research program (SCGSR). This is a great opportunity to join our group, and we have hosted several fellows in the past.

In some circumstances, funding may also be available from the Lab's Physics Division, especially for research directly related to DOE-funded experiments such as DESI, Rubin Observatory, and CMB-S4.

Undergraduate Students

UC Berkeley's URAP and the Lab's SULI and BLUR are great programs to fund research projects for undergrads. Funding may also be available through the N3AS Physics Frontier Center (see the Undergraduate Research Program), or from the Physics and Astronomy departments (ask about the "Berkeley Discover" grant).  Also, see these excellent resources from the Astronomy and Physics departments.