Berkeley is a great place for research in cosmology! If you are a student or postdoc interested in working with me, see the join the group page.
I am very fortunate to have a large number of great collaborators from around the world. Below are a number of students and postdocs at Berkeley who I have mentored and worked closely with in recent times.
Current Berkeley Students: (GS = Graduate Student. UG = Undergraduate)
Noah Sailer (GS, DOE SCGSR fellow hosted by me): paper 1, paper 2, paper 3, paper 4, paper 5
Henry Liu (GS): work in progress on Sunyaev-Zel'dovich analyses
Alex Reeves (visiting GS from ETH, SNSF fellow): work in progress on multi-probe analyses
Sophia Risin (UG): work in progress on CIB and LSS cross-correlations
Ethan Yoo (UG): work in progress on large language models (LLMs) to interact with astronomical data
Previous Berkeley Students:
Alex Krolewski (GS ➝ Perimeter Institute and AMTD Fellow at Waterloo): paper 1, paper 2, paper 3
Ben Horowitz (GS, DOE SCGSR fellow hosted by me ➝ Princeton): paper 1, paper 2
Adrian Bayer (GS ➝ Princeton/Simons Foundation): paper
Siyu He (UG ➝ Waymo): paper
Jiashu Han (UG ➝ UCSD): paper
I have also co-supervised a number of students not at Berkeley on research projects:
Boryana Hadzhiyska (Harvard GS, now Berkeley postdoc): paper
Ola Kusiak (Columbia GS): paper
Omar Darwish (Cambridge GS): paper
Xiaojing Lin (Peking GS): paper
Raagini Patki (Cornell GS): paper
Gerrit Farren (Cambridge GS, now Berkeley postdoc): paper 1, paper 2
Delon Shen (Stanford GS): paper
Joshua Kim (UPenn GS): paper
Nikolaos Kalntis (ETH Zurich UG): work in progress on interactions in the dark sector
Kennedy Sleet (Arizona UG, Simons-NSBP scholar): work in progress on CIB and LSS cross-correlations
Berkeley Postdocs I mentor and work with:
Boryana Hadzhiyska (Miller and Chamberlain fellow)
Gerrit Farren (Chamberlain fellow)
Antón Baleato Lizancos (BCCP fellow)
Rongpu Zhou (LBL cosmology fellow)
Roger de Belsunce (LBL cosmology fellow)
Amélie Tamone (SNSF and LBL cosmology fellow)
Edmond Chaussidon (LBL cosmology fellow)
Former Berkeley postdocs I have mentored and worked closely with:
Emmanuel Schaan (Chamberlain Fellow ➝ Staff Scientist at SLAC)
Joe DeRose (Chamberlain fellow ➝ Staff Scientist at BNL)
Vanessa Böhm (BCCP fellow ➝ Nautilus Labs)
Michael Wilson (LBL cosmology fellow ➝ Durham)
Xiao Fang (BCCP fellow ➝ A.R.T. Advisors)